There are constellations in me.

I fell into a vat of radioactive space dust and have been this way ever since. My power is that I appear completely powerless to you. The truth, however, is that I can see the crumbly seams of the stars, I can hear the rush of electrons in every one of your atoms (it's quite loud), I can stir things up inside your soul and you won't even realize it until one day you wake up and wonder what happened to the boy or girl that you once were. I can blow kisses at the back of your neck.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Elf

What you lost (it was a thing) tumbled down the stairs with a great clatter. It reminded me of a car crash in a blender—fender bender frappĂ©!
It woke me and I couldn't shake the ringing from my ears. Your first gift to me. How do you not remember any of this? You're a forgetful little thing. Are all of you like this?
Anyway, I followed the ringing that lingered like a scent hanged for being offensive, to where you were. You are a shuffling sort of a creature, in case that hasn't ever been mentioned to you, and so you shuffled along each nearly insurmountable stair, looking adorable. A tiny little man, slight as a teddy bear, as twisted in complexion as the trees in the yard. I decided to be best friends right there. Did I seem too eager? You have to remember this! I was much too eager when I plucked you up between my middle knuckles and carried you over to your thing. What a strange thing it was, much like a ball of water, shaking against the prison of its skin and jiggling offensively. And then you were gone. It was your source of power, I knew it immediately.

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Sincere as well-intentioned lies.

That is all.