There are constellations in me.

I fell into a vat of radioactive space dust and have been this way ever since. My power is that I appear completely powerless to you. The truth, however, is that I can see the crumbly seams of the stars, I can hear the rush of electrons in every one of your atoms (it's quite loud), I can stir things up inside your soul and you won't even realize it until one day you wake up and wonder what happened to the boy or girl that you once were. I can blow kisses at the back of your neck.

Monday, February 2, 2009

All Night

All night, sleeping, I push unreal creatures off my chest. They're wild things come to lick the salts from my skin. I smile at first as a corrugated tongue sweeps my collarbone clean. Then, becoming aware of the danger of fangs, I attempt to scream the raw tones of human distress. The sound reaches my ears as a muted grunt, the same low groan that escaped my body as a boy writhing in the sand beneath a dock with a girl who was more woman than child. Now, I am hyper-aware of the weight on me. Its expansiveness feels as large as the dark behind my eyelids. Mercifully, I'm able to break the hold of sleep. The scream that I wanted is finally released. And I look around only to find the bedroom still and quiet as the slivers of moonlight that paint my legs gray.

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Sincere as well-intentioned lies.

That is all.