There are constellations in me.

I fell into a vat of radioactive space dust and have been this way ever since. My power is that I appear completely powerless to you. The truth, however, is that I can see the crumbly seams of the stars, I can hear the rush of electrons in every one of your atoms (it's quite loud), I can stir things up inside your soul and you won't even realize it until one day you wake up and wonder what happened to the boy or girl that you once were. I can blow kisses at the back of your neck.

Monday, January 5, 2009

This is the Morning

By three, I'll be half-crazy with anticipation.
I like knowing things that nobody else does.
That's why I haven't breathed a word of this to anyone.
Today the world will end.
We will be ripped to infinitesimal shreds by werewolves of neon light.
Big hulking things like you see when you rub your eyes too hard.
They'll come from between things,
like a cut opened on a prizefighter's forehead.
And they'll be a swarm on us.
Little minotaurs breaking us up atom by atom,
they'll shake us free of our hold on life.
Some of us will be spared.
The ones that don't mind skulking where they've always been:
between things.
We'll be turned to the darkness that holds nothing in its place.
We will be the great soup of night.
And even black holes will burn brighter and hotter than we.

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Sincere as well-intentioned lies.

That is all.